What to expect during your second visit

Step 1. X-Ray Findings

We will review the findings from the spinal assessments and any diagnostic x-rays that were taken during the initial visit in our office. If x-rays were taken, we will help you identify the current stage of spinal degeneration that could be creating dysfunction. If degeneration is advanced, it will require more frequency in the beginning of a patient’s corrective care. Identifying the level of degeneration is the first step for our doctor(s) in determining if they can help with chiropractic care. The second step of reviewing x-rays and/or spinal assessment information is to determine the overall number of subluxations that are present. This is important to ensure, you as the patient, have detailed information to make the best possible health decisions for your personal needs and goals.

Step 2. Individualized Care Recommendations

Once all of the findings have been reviewed, and any questions are answered, we will outline our best recommendations for your care in our office. This will include any and all needed services including the chiropractic adjustment, corrective care frequency of visits and overall timeline of corrective care, information regarding any insurance coverage (if applicable), and the overall total cost of care in our office with several payment options for each patient.

Step 3. TRT Analysis

TRT is the Torque Release Technique that our doctors utilize to assess the spinal cord tension each visit. This analysis allows our doctors to have consistency when caring for our patients to provide the most accurate care every visit. The analysis begins with a leg check performed by determining the tension in the achilles tendon reflex, and asking the patient to turn their head to the left and right. Depending on the reflex change, the doctors can pinpoint the spinal cord tension and subluxation that need to be corrected through a specific chiropractic adjustment.

Step 4. First Nervous system Based Adjustment

The adjustment to the spine is the most important service a patient could ever receive in our office. Our doctors perform the adjustment with an instrument called the Integrator, which allows consistency and speed for the patient no matter which doctor performs the adjustment. The adjustment removes the subluxation and allows the patient’s body to instantly start healing (not necessarily feeling) better. Once the adjustment is made, tension on the spinal cord and nerves is released, allowing for better functionality within the body.

Start healing from the inside, out today with nervous system based chiropractic care.